Cameras, Thankful and Where You Can Find My Art


What’s New in Lisa’s Studio? Camera’s! I love cameras. Sure, the ones on our mobile devices capture the most accurate images and come with fun and exciting tools to crop, edit and filter the images but there is nothing is like holding that old-fashioned box with a lens and light sensitive film in your hand…feeling the weight of it…clicking the shutter and hoping like heck that you got the shot you saw through the viewfinder.

Meet my Minolta (x-570) well, actually it is Rick’s. But this is the first “real” camera that I ever learned how to use. When we were dating Rick taught me some photography basics and I fell in love with manually focusing the shot, learning about light and shadow and making mistakes that only became evident once you picked up the developed film. This camera has been all around the world with us and I have many fond and sentimental memories of it and the adventures we took it on.

These are prints from a linoleum block that I worked on last month. I will have at least one more block in my camera series, but I do not expect to have it finished until early next year. The first print is sort of chine-colle’ over a cyanotype print of a piece of film I created this summer. The print is bonded to some nice heavy watercolor paper. The 2nd one is a print over a monoprint “artists paper” that I create for fun and other crafts. Both prints will be available in my store this weekend. Please stop by L. Marie to see what is new. Or private message me if something catches your fancy on my Facebook page or Instagram account.


“Wear gratitude like a cloak, and it will feed every corner of your life.” ~Rumi.

Join me for Thankful Thursday’s! Can you believe that Thanksgiving is next week?! I have been practicing a modified type of shelter in place due to the pandemic so I will not have a big meal to prepare but I do admit that the holidays are sneaking up on me!

 I will be posting 2-3 things that I am thankful for on my Facebook Artist page, this week Friday because I life got in the way and I missed making my post today! Ah Well! I invite you all to join in and post in the comments what you are giving thanks for. I know that for some this may be easier than it is for others. Friends, there is healing power in being able to re-frame thoughts and feelings. And there is always something to be thankful for.


Ongoing See my work locally! I am so excited to report that I have pieces of art in three area museums! My piece “BenchedHarvest” was most recently accepted to the 2020 MOWA’s (Museum of WisconsinArt) Members’ show. The show runs form Thursday, November 21, 2020 - January 3, 2021. When I dropped off my piece of art, I was blessed to be able to chat and catch up with a few of my artist friends. Masked and maintaining appropriate physical distancing, of course!

Second my dry point “Acorns” was accepted into Create! A Wisconsin Art Show. Hosted by the Richelson School of Art & Gallery, Create! Is designed to encourage Wisconsin artists of all experience levels to create an exhibit art. There are so many talented folks from NE Wisconsin and the Fox Valley represented in this art show, please stop in to see all the works. The exhibit runs from October 15th- January 14th.

Updated!! The Neville Public Museum in Green Bay has purchased my submission to the 75th Art Annual, “Peaceful Protest”- to be part of their permanent collection. I am both humbled and honored that they chose my art! Check out the Gallery guide to see all the wonderful contributions to this show.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please stay safe! 


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