It's been a brainstorming two weeks!

What’s New in Lisa’s Studio?

Wow! It has been a brainstorming two weeks! I have a couple new projects in various stages of work. One idea is to make a fabric printed cat toy. I was experimenting with some fabric, fabric inks and a test block a few weeks ago. My cat Spock helped me to realize this idea. He has lost his favorite "fish". It is most likely in some damp, dark, spider web infested corner of our basement. He may find it and bring it back upstairs again, but I do think that it will be better to just make him a new one with fresh catnip.  And as you can see we have plenty of fresh catnip growing in the garden. 

King Catnip
 So if all goes well, you might be able to get some new catnip toys for your kitties. Here is a test print of the fish block using scrap paper and StazOn ink.



My protest art in support of #blacklivesmatter is just about done! I have been really taking my time with this one. I hope to be test printing this weekend. Keep an eye on my Instagram page  or my Facebook page to see how it comes out! I may be entering this piece in a call for art at a Green Bay museum later this summer.


In the works

Well, the L. Marie Printmaking online store continues to be fine-tuned. I think I am just about there. Only a couple of little things left to work out. I am very excited to share pieces for purchase that I have created.  Here’s a screen shot of the home page as a sneak peek! The store will be opening the last week of July and I hope you stop by to virtually browse. Maybe I'll even have some cat-nip toys ready!



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